About the job

Help millions of learners learn in the best possible way.

Highersummit is building a world-class educational experience for millions of learners across the world. We’re looking for course creators (Science Subject) who can help create bite-sized, fun✨ , and engaging content for students.

As a Curriculum Developer, 

you will

  • Help create science courses for millions of learners around the world.
  • Come up with fun questions, examples to improve our learning experience on mobile & the web.



  • Are passionate and knowledgeable about your subject 📚.
  • Have the ability to explain abstract concepts in a way that post-millennials can understand and relate.



We think it’s important for you to

  • Have the ability to create content in a tone and style relevant to post-Millenials
  • Have 1+ years of experience writing online courses.


You’ll get bonus points for

  • Having experience teaching.


🚅 This is an ongoing/long-term project.

✅ If you are someone who has the expertise and passion for science teaching/learning then please do get in touch.

For us, this is a passion project 🚧 and I hope you are someone who will take this on with the same enthusiasm and excitement 🤗.

Email your resume at: support@highersummit.com